Saturday, April 4, 2009

If ever there was a Brick...

This is it. Overload is quite the brick. No leg poseability unless you rotate them sideways, little arm poseability, and no other poseability. Pathetic.
His shoulders have a neat missile-launching capability, but that's about it for him. Oh, and he can combine with Armada Prime.

Whatever this is, it can be pulled by Optimus Prime or his little Mini-Con there, and can carry Armada Jetfire. That's all I know.

Really not much to say about Overload.

This brings my Total Transformers Tally up to 5.

Friday, April 3, 2009

NOW we're getting somewhere!

Armada Tidal Wave. One of my favourite figures in the line.

He's a very tall figure, that's for sure. He's also EXTREMELY awesome in Robot mode, even if he's not all that poseable. I for one don't really care much about that.

He also has a rather cool ship mode. I just can't figure out what it is. Some kind of battleship-aircraft-carrier-thing? Of well. It's cool anyways.

Another neat feature is that he can split up into his own personal Dark Fleet. I never really do it that much, but it's a pretty novel feature. Just... what is that thing on the left?

This brings my Total Transformers Tally up to 4.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Movie Scorponok

Ah-ha. Movie Scorponok. I got this guy in a two-pack with Blackout, and though I like that guy better, the Scorponok toy is a little better in terms of quality.

He's pretty cool. The paint job's nice, and he's got this neat little feature that spins his rotor claws when you roll him forwards, which my brother loves.

The only problem is that the tail does not extend forwards. The tip is spring-loaded, but even when fully extended, it barely sticks out in front of his head at all.

Oh yeah, he has a robot mode. It's not bad, but it's not the best robot form of all. I just keep the thing in scorpion mode.

This guy brings my Total Transformers Tally to 3.