Tuesday, March 31, 2009

So I was thinking...

I have so many Transformers lying around, and no idea what to do with them! So, I got to thingking, and came up with the great and very original idea to take pictures of them and post them on the internet! Isn't it great? Yeah, it would also help me to be able to count them too.

So, let's get started, shall we?
(Please note that I am in no way a professional photographer, and am still learning about how my camera works.)

So this is my newest Transformer at the time of this writing: Universe Galvatron!
This is a really nice figure. A tad smallish, yes, but still quite cool. The purple looks nice, though I think they could have picked a better colour than orange for secondary.

The cannon arm is a bit difficult to get into place sometimes, though, and the other arm loves to fall off. And although I don't care quite as much about kibble as most people do, this guy's gets in the way of transformation quite often.

He doesn't turn into a cannon, though. Instead, he turns into a tank. How original.
Well, you can never have too many tanks, anyways!
Personally, I rather like the missile launcher on the back end. You can see it just to the upper-left of the turret in the picture.

Really, my only problem with the tank mode is that I never know which way to position the turret to make it face frontwards. Well, and it's a tad small. Oh well.

Update as of many months later: Well, now I've had this thing for a while, and its problems are really starting to turn up. The main problem is that none of the appendages stay on. None. This is what you'd call a big problem, and it's annoying as heck. The cannon arm alone takes ages to reattatch, due to the unique pin holding it on.

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